After attempting to write this entry four times I think it is finally time to post it. So much has happened since we last wrote in Samoa that it is almost impossible to decide on which stories to share. The chaos and whirlwind of emotions that have accompanied this last and final landfall has made this the trickiest entry to put into words. I guess that there is no better place to start than with November 4th. November 4th 2008 will forever be etched in our mind as not only the day that America could take a deep breath but the day we were also able to take our deep breath of relief and accomplishment. Gaviota had finally sailed half way across the world and reached her final destination. NEW ZEALAND!
The morning that we arrived in New Zealand was crisp, clean and everything we could have ever hoped for. As we sat bundled up in beanies and down jackets, we watched as the sun rose over the first glimpse of land we had seen in 10 days. Seeing the colors of red an orange melt over the green rolling hills we were once again overwhelmed by the unexplainable connection we have for New Zealand. In more ways than one we felt like we had finally made it home! It was the most rewarding feeling saiing into the beautiful Bay of Islands that morning knowing that we had not only made it to New Zealand without encountering any horrible weather but that we had accomplished the journey that began 4 years ago and it turned out to be everything we dreamed it would be and more.
What seemed to consume us more than the feelings of accomplishment and relief were the memories of the people we met, places we visited and the amazing experience that may never be repeated and will defiantly never be replaced. The adventure of Gaviota was coming to an end right then and there, on that morning as we pulled in to Opua marina. Everything that went into making this dream become a reality flashed before our eyes. All the hours sanding, painting and scrubbing. All the nights spent living out of a backpack and shuffling back and forth between our parents houses seemed like a million years ago. The crazy storms, picturesque anchorages, surfing of untouched waves, bonfires on sandy beaches and the never ending passages accompanied by the rolly poly seas all seemed to fade together into one absolutely magical memory.
Before the seas began to settle as we entered into the Bay of Islands, we turned back and took one last moment to say our goodbyes and thank you's to the huge void of blue that was our home, our friend and that has changed us forever. Reliving all the memories of the hard work and frustration, of what we had seen and felt, who we have met and how they have changed us made us realize how it had really taken every little aspect working together to make this journey what it was. As we got tied up to the dock we couldn’t help but feel that everything was about to change. It was a change we knew had been coming for a long time, a change that we had anticipated and dreaded and a change we could never truly prepared for.
We have now been in beautiful New Zealand for three weeks. As entering back to the grind of society always is we are completely overwhelmed and exhausted by how hectic our lives have already become. We unfortunately have barely looked up long enough to enjoy this beautiful place we sailed so far to see in our race to get Gaviota ready to be sold. We have finally finished almost all of the work and have a few people we will be showing our boat to. It will be hard to say goodbye to Gaviota after all she has been to us. We will never forget how safe she kept us when it was just us and her out there in the middle of the sea! Who ever she may go to will be lucky to have her!
In a few days our families arrive and then the real celebration will begin. We are so so so excited to see our family who are coming all this way for our WEDDING. This adventure has all moved way to fast and life is now bound to take a great change but we feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to experience the beautiful ocean and its entirety.!!!!!!!!!!!!